Hello, world.

Assignment 1: Helloworld

Assignment 2.1: Clock Sketches
Assignment 2.2: Abstract Clock
Assignment 2.2: Random Circles Clock

Wk 4 Demo: Raw text
Wk 4 Demo Complete: Highlighting words
Assignment 3.1: NYT Headlines by Length
Assignment 3.1: NYT Headlines by the Letter

Wk 4 Demo: Basic mouse events
Wk 4 Demo: Quadrant mouse fade
Wk 4 Demo: Complicated Knob
Wk 4 Demo Complete: NYT with mouseover labels

Wk 6 Demo: PLUTO 1
Wk 6 Demo: PLUTO 2

Wk 7 Demo: Water 1a: Lines with state
Wk 7 Demo: Water 1b: Lines with animation
Wk 7 Demo: Water 2a: Bars
Wk 7 Demo: Water 2b: Bars with detail view

Wk 10 Demo: State 1: one circle
Wk 10 Demo: State 2: toggle button
Wk 10 Demo: State 3: circle, rectangle, triangle

Wk 11 Demo: Mapping with Mapbox
Wk 11 Demo: Mapping with Leaflet